The Rise
(CITA - Center for IT og Arkitektur, KADK)
Projektet, primært udført af David Stasiuk, udspringer af et tidligere udført forskningsprojekt, som CITA udførte gennem dele af 2012 og starten af 2013 - samme grundprincipper er grobunden for denne anderledes og alternative vinkel på projektets logik.
Algoritmiske regelsystemer (skrevet i gennem Grasshopper til Rhino af David Stasiuk) generer - baseret på integreret feedback fra testresultaterne af fysiske materialesimuleringsøvelser af glasfiberstænger (styrke, stivhed, bøjningsevne, maksimalbelastning, brud, osv.) - når indsat i en større helhed, en 'groet vækst’; en ganske kompleks konstruktion baseret på selvorganiserende principper og logikker taget fra forskning i plantevækst. Projektet er primært baseret på kode udviklet af David Stasiuk, som led i hans PhD-studie (Activating the Parameter Space in Computational Design Modelling) ved CITA, under Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering, Arkitektskolen København. ACADIA-projektet, hvorunder dette research-projekt hører, indfinder sig under en større forsknings-baseret ramme, kaldet Complex Modelling, hvori CITA udfører forskningsarbejde.
Claus Rytter Bruun de Neergaard (CITA), David Stasiuk (CITA), Martin Tamke (CITA), Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen (CITA), Ida Tinning (workshopdeltager), Annika Richmond (workshopdeltager).
Fra CITAs projektbeskrivelse
“The Rise, ACADIA-workshop explored the conceptualisation, technologies and making of an architecture that is continuously sensing and dynamically adapting to its environment as it grows into form. The workshop was based in a research project into the digital design and fabrication of aggregations of variably sized bundles of fibre material that multiply, bend, branch, and recombine in a distributed assembly that manifests an alternative to traditional structural systems. The workshop participants got insights into the algorithmic base, the CNC processes and the physical processes in a hands-on way.”
“The Rise is the idea of a growing architecture. Like a bush the installation has its own internal growth patterns that guide the material in a highly distributed aggregation of small members that keep branching off and multiplying. The installation looks at distributed systems as an alternative to traditional structural systems. Where contemporary design approaches in architecture have difficulties to conceptualise complex systems we grow a multitude of intersecting members that all together create a structural network system. In this vision architecture is not a static formalist proposition but instead continuously adapting to the dynamics of its surroundings while growing into form.”
“[...] This model directly emulates those natural plant growth processes where properties called tropisms – such as those reacting to light (phototropism), gravity (geotropism) or touch (thigmotropism) – trigger auxin – a hormone that directs new cellular growth and coordinates the emergence of the plant’s shape. In “The Rise” virtual auxins are activated in response to the exhibition space through programmed algorithmic tropisms. The installation grows in response to its environment, extending and directing with the variations of light in the space, the gravity and its contact to the surroundings. Like plants the system is self-aware. It understands its behaviour under self-weight and reacts through thickening or weakening or shoots that create extra support. The installation learns from nature and mimics its ways of creating structural performance but also expands this into new hybrid growths that lie outside the natural environment, as the branches ability to re-join and create circular relationships with high structural strength.”
(CITA - Center for IT og Arkitektur, KADK)
Projektet, primært udført af David Stasiuk, udspringer af et tidligere udført forskningsprojekt, som CITA udførte gennem dele af 2012 og starten af 2013 - samme grundprincipper er grobunden for denne anderledes og alternative vinkel på projektets logik.
Algoritmiske regelsystemer (skrevet i gennem Grasshopper til Rhino af David Stasiuk) generer - baseret på integreret feedback fra testresultaterne af fysiske materialesimuleringsøvelser af glasfiberstænger (styrke, stivhed, bøjningsevne, maksimalbelastning, brud, osv.) - når indsat i en større helhed, en 'groet vækst’; en ganske kompleks konstruktion baseret på selvorganiserende principper og logikker taget fra forskning i plantevækst. Projektet er primært baseret på kode udviklet af David Stasiuk, som led i hans PhD-studie (Activating the Parameter Space in Computational Design Modelling) ved CITA, under Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur, Design og Konservering, Arkitektskolen København. ACADIA-projektet, hvorunder dette research-projekt hører, indfinder sig under en større forsknings-baseret ramme, kaldet Complex Modelling, hvori CITA udfører forskningsarbejde.
Claus Rytter Bruun de Neergaard (CITA), David Stasiuk (CITA), Martin Tamke (CITA), Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen (CITA), Ida Tinning (workshopdeltager), Annika Richmond (workshopdeltager).
Fra CITAs projektbeskrivelse
“The Rise, ACADIA-workshop explored the conceptualisation, technologies and making of an architecture that is continuously sensing and dynamically adapting to its environment as it grows into form. The workshop was based in a research project into the digital design and fabrication of aggregations of variably sized bundles of fibre material that multiply, bend, branch, and recombine in a distributed assembly that manifests an alternative to traditional structural systems. The workshop participants got insights into the algorithmic base, the CNC processes and the physical processes in a hands-on way.”
“The Rise is the idea of a growing architecture. Like a bush the installation has its own internal growth patterns that guide the material in a highly distributed aggregation of small members that keep branching off and multiplying. The installation looks at distributed systems as an alternative to traditional structural systems. Where contemporary design approaches in architecture have difficulties to conceptualise complex systems we grow a multitude of intersecting members that all together create a structural network system. In this vision architecture is not a static formalist proposition but instead continuously adapting to the dynamics of its surroundings while growing into form.”
“[...] This model directly emulates those natural plant growth processes where properties called tropisms – such as those reacting to light (phototropism), gravity (geotropism) or touch (thigmotropism) – trigger auxin – a hormone that directs new cellular growth and coordinates the emergence of the plant’s shape. In “The Rise” virtual auxins are activated in response to the exhibition space through programmed algorithmic tropisms. The installation grows in response to its environment, extending and directing with the variations of light in the space, the gravity and its contact to the surroundings. Like plants the system is self-aware. It understands its behaviour under self-weight and reacts through thickening or weakening or shoots that create extra support. The installation learns from nature and mimics its ways of creating structural performance but also expands this into new hybrid growths that lie outside the natural environment, as the branches ability to re-join and create circular relationships with high structural strength.”