(31) Doors (loadable Family)
Doors er hostede bygningsdele der kan tilføjes enhver slags Wall. Døre kan således tilføjes i plan, snit, opstalt eller 3D views.
Wall-type vælges, og der specificeres, enten via klik med musen eller indtastning af offset fra eksempelvis Wall start-punkt, et indsætningspunkt. Revit tilføjer herefter umiddelbart en åbning i den pågældende Wall, og placerer den ny Door. Enkelte egenskaber kan herefter justeres, enten via Door-type eller Door-instance.

<parameter>.<type>.<formula>.<lock>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<nested parameter fra nested family>
<”Doors - Bottom plate visible”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Frame visible”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Handle visible.”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Joint visible”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate visible (solid)”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate visible (glass)”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Door swing visible (plan)”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Door swing visible (elevation)”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Bottom plate material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Frame material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Glass material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Handle material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Joint material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Production / Extraction of raw materials”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Production / Transportation to production”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Production / Material production”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Construction / Transportion to site”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Construction / Installation”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Operation and maintenance”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Replacement”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Conversion”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Energy for Building maintenance”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Water usage”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Demolition”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Transportation for waste management”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Waste management”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Disposal”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Next product system / Reuse-/recycle-portential”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Greenhouse effect”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environemntal impact / Deplation of Ozone layer”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Photochemical Ozone creation”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Acidification”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Nutrient load”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Resource consumption category / Total primary energy consumption”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Resource consumption category / Renewable primary energy consumption”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Width”>.<float>.<Rough Width - ([Doors - Joint] * 2).<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Height”>.<float>.<Rough Height - ([Doors - Join]).<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Thickness”>.<float>.<0 mm>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Rough width”>.<float>.<float>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Rough Width”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Frame / offset”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Frame / profile / width”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Frame / profile / depth”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / thickness”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / gap bottom”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / opening symbol / angle”>.<degree>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / glass / depth”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / glass / offset / top”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / glass / offset / bottom”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / glass / offset / side A”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / glass / offset / side B”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Plate / width”>.<float>.<(([Doors - Frame / profile / width]) - Rough Width)>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Handle / offset from ground”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / offset from plate”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / offset from edge”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / profile / height”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / profile / length”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / profile / width”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / washer / height”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / washer / width”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Handle / washer / depth”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<yes>
<”Doors - Joint”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Joint / offset”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Wall closure (for all wrappings)”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Analytic Construction”>.<>.<string>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Heat Transfer Coeffecient (U)”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Solar Heat Gain Coeffecient”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Thermal Resistance (R)”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Visual Light Transmittance”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Operation”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Fire rating”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Area (m2)”>.<float>.<(Rough Height * Rough Width)>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Doors - Wall width (host) (report)”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_BIM7AATypeCode”>.<integer>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_BIM7AATypeComments”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_BIM7AATypeDescription”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_BIM7AATypeNumber”>.<integer>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_CCSClassification_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_CCSMainTypeID_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_CCSSubTypeID_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_CCSTypeID_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”L1_CCSTypeName_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Copyright”>.<string>.<=”2020, Claus Neergaard”>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Link”>.<URL>.<=URL>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Date created”>.<2020>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Signature”>.<CRN>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”DBK-code”>.<-205.03>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”SfB-code”>.<(32)>,<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Assembly Code”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Cost”>.<>.<integer>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Description”>.<”Pladedør <udfyldes i projekt>.<”=BIM7AATypeDescription”>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Fire Rating”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Keynote”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Manufacturer”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Model”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Type Comments”>.<”Pladedør <udfyldes i projekt>”>.<=BIM7AATypeDescription>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Type Image”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”URL”>.<”http://www.clausclaus.com”>.<=”http://www.clausclaus.com”>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>

Definition from ISO 6707-1:1989: Construction for closing an opening, intended primarily for access with hinged, pivoted or sliding operation.
Definition from buildingSMART: The door is a building element that is predominately used to provide controlled access for people and goods. It includes constructions with hinged, pivoted, sliding, and additionally revolving and folding operations. A door consists of a lining and one or several panels, properties concerning the lining and panel are defined by the IfcDoorLiningProperties and the IfcDoorPanelProperties.
The door entity, IfcDoor, defines a particular occurrence of a door inserted in the spatial context of a project. A door can:
- either be inserted as a filler in an opening, then the IfcDoor has an inverse attribute FillsVoids provided,
- or be a "free standing" door, then the IfcDoor has no inverse attribute FillsVoids provided.
The actual parameter of the door and/or its shape are defined by the IfcDoor as the occurrence definition (or project instance), or by the IfcDoorStyle as the specific definition (or project type). Parameters are given:
- at the IfcDoor for occurrence specific parameters. The IfcDoor specifies:
- the door width and height
- the door opening direction (by the y-axis of the ObjectPlacement)
- at the IfcDoorStyle, to which the IfcDoor is related by the inverse relationship IsDefinedBy pointing to IfcRelDefinesByType, for style parameters common to all occurrences of the same style.
- the operation type (single swing, double swing, revolving, etc.)
- the door hinge side (by using two different styles for right and left opening doors)
- the construction type
- the particular attributes for the lining by the IfcDoorLiningProperties
- the particular attributes for the panels by the IfcDoorPanelProperties
The IfcDoor is normally inserted into an IfcOpeningElement (but does not need to - see above) using the IfcRelFillsElement relationship. It is also directly linked to the spatial structure of the project (and here normally to the IfcBuildingStorey, or to the IfcSpace) using the IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure relationship.
HISTORY New entity in IFC Release 1.0.
Property Set Use Definition:
The property sets relating to the IfcDoor are defined by the IfcPropertySet and attached by the IfcRelDefinesByProperties relationship. It is accessible by the inverse IsDefinedBy relationship. The following property set definitions specific to the IfcDoor are part of this IFC release:
- Pset_DoorCommon: common property set for all door occurrences
- Pset_DoorWindowGlazingType: specific property set for the glazing properties of the door glazing, if available
- Pset_DoorWindowShadingType: specific property set for the shading properties of the door glazing, if available
Geometry Use Definitions:
The geometric representation of IfcDoor is given by the IfcProductDefinitionShape, allowing multiple geometric representations. The IfcDoor, in case of an occurrence object, gets its parameter and shape from the IfcDoorStyle. If an IfcRepresentationMap (a block definition) is defined for the IfcDoorStyle, then the IfcDoor inserts it through the IfcMappedItem.
Local Placement
The local placement for IfcDoor is defined in its supertype IfcProduct. It is defined by the IfcLocalPlacement, which defines the local coordinate system that is referenced by all geometric representations.
- The PlacementRelTo relationship of IfcLocalPlacement shall point to the local placement of the same element (if given), in which the IfcDoor is used as a filling (normally an IfcOpeningElement), as provided by the IfcRelFillsElement relationship.
- If the IfcDoor is not inserted into an IfcOpeningElement, then the PlacementRelTo relationship of IfcLocalPlacement shall point (if given) to the local placement of the same IfcSpatialStructureElement that is used in the ContainedInStructure inverse attribute or to a referenced spatial structure element at a higher level.
- If the relative placement is not used, the absolute placement is defined within the world coordinate system.
Geometric Representation
The geometric representation of IfcDoor is defined using the following (potentially multiple) IfcShapeRepresentation's for its IfcProductDefinitionShape:
- Profile: A 'GeometricCurveSet' consisting of a single closed curve defining the outer boundary of the door (lining). The door parametric representation uses this profile in order to apply the door lining and panel parameter. If not provided, the profile of the IfcOpeningElement is taken.
- FootPrint: A 'GeometricCurveSet', or 'Annotation2D' representation defining the 2D shape of the door
- Body: A 'SweptSolid', 'SurfaceModel', or 'Brep' representation defining the 3D shape of the door.
In addition the parametric representation of a (limited) door shape is available by applying the parameters from IfcDoorStyle referencing IfcDoorLiningProperties and IfcDoorPanelProperties. The purpose of the parameter is described at those entities and below (door opening operation by door style).
Profile - 'GeometricCurveSet' representation
The door profile is represented by a three-dimensional closed curve within a particular shape representation. The profile is used to apply the parameter of the parametric door representation. The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:
- RepresentationIdentifier : 'Profile'
- RepresentationType : 'GeometricCurveSet', only a single closed curve shall be contained in the set of IfcShapeRepresentation.Items.
A 'Profile' representation has to be provided if:
- a parametric representation shall be applied to the door AND
- the door is 'free standing', or
- the opening into which the door is inserted is not extruded horizontally (i.e. where the opening profile does not match the door profile)
FootPrint - 'GeometricCurveSet' or 'Annotation2D' representation
The door foot print is represented by a set of two-dimensional curves (or in case of 'Annotation2D' additional hatching and text) within a particular shape representation. The foot print is used for the planview representation of the door. The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:
- RepresentationIdentifier : 'FootPrint'
- RepresentationType : 'GeometricCurveSet', or 'Annotation2D'
Body - 'SweptSolid', 'SurfaceModel', or 'Brep' representation
The door body is either represented parameterically (see parametric representation) or by explicit 3D shape. The 3D shape is given by using extrusion geometry, or surface models, or Brep models within a particular shape representation. The body is used for the model view representation of the door. The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:
- RepresentationIdentifier : 'Body'
- RepresentationType : 'SweptSolid', 'SurfaceModel', or 'Brep'
The 'FootPrint' and 'Body' geometric representation of IfcDoor can be shared among several identical doors using the 'MappedRepresentation'. The following attribute values for the IfcShapeRepresentation holding this geometric representation shall be used:
- RepresentationIdentifier : 'FootPrint', 'Body'
- RepresentationType : 'MappedRepresentation'
The same constraints, as given for the 'FootPrint', 'Body' representation identifiers, shall apply to the MappedRepresentation of the IfcRepresentationMap.
Door opening operation by door style
The parameters that defines the shape of the IfcDoor, are given at the IfcDoorStyle and the property sets, which are included in the IfcDoorStyle. The IfcDoor only defines the local placement which determines the opening direction of the door. The overall size of the IfcDoor to be used to apply the lining or panel parameter provided by the IfcDoorStyle is determined by the IfcShapeRepresentation with the RepresentationIdentifier = 'Profile'. Only in case of an IfcDoor inserted into an IfcOpeningElement using the IfcRelFillsElement relationship, having a horizontal extrusion (along the y-axis of the IfcDoor), the overall size is determined by the extrusion profile of the IfcOpeningElement.
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Revit Families: Curtain Walls (system Family)
Revit Families: Walls (system Family)
Revit Families: Floors (system Family)
Revit Families: Stairs (system Family)
Revit Families: Railings (system Family)
Revit Families: Windows (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Curtain Wall Panels (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Furniture (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Detail Components (loadable Family)