(21) Walls (system Family)
I stil med andre basis-bygningsdele i en Revit BIM-model, er vægge instanser af et præ-defineret syste m (System Family), der repræsenterer variationer af Wall-funktioner, kompositioner og tykkelse. Der er mulighed for at justerer på disse karakteristika der udgør den enkelte Wall-type, ved at ændre i dennes Propeties; der kan tilføjes og fjernes lag i væg-opbygningen, den kan opdeles i regioner, og man kan tilføje materialer til de enkelte lag.
Efter en væg er blevet placeret i projektet, kan man tilføje Sweeps eller Revelas, og væggens profil kan bearbejdes, og til sidst kan man tilføje eksempelvis Windows og Doors.

<parameter>.<type>.<formula>.<lock>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<nested parameter fra nested family>
<”Floors - Bottom plate visible”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Frame visible”>.<yes/no>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Bottom plate material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Frame material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Glass material”>.<pull-down>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Production / Extraction of raw materials”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Production / Transportation to production”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Production / Material production”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Construction / Transportion to site”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Construction / Installation”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Operation and maintenance”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Replacement”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Conversion”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Energy for Building maintenance”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Usage / Water usage”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Demolition”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Transportation for waste management”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Waste management”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”End-of-Life / Disposal”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Next product system / Reuse-/recycle-portential”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Greenhouse effect”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environemntal impact / Deplation of Ozone layer”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Photochemical Ozone creation”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Acidification”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Environmental impact / Nutrient load”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Resource consumption category / Total primary energy consumption”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Resource consumption category / Renewable primary energy consumption”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Height”>.<float>.<Rough Height - ([Doors - Join]).<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Thickness”>.<float>.<0 mm>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Frame / offset”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Frame / profile / width”>.<float>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Analytic Construction”>.<>.<string>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Heat Transfer Coeffecient (U)”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Solar Heat Gain Coeffecient”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Thermal Resistance (R)”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Visual Light Transmittance”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Operation”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Fire rating”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Floors - Area (m2)”>.<float>.<(Rough Height * Rough Width)>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”BIM7AATypeCode”>.<integer>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”BIM7AATypeComments”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”BIM7AATypeDescription”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”BIM7AATypeNumber”>.<integer>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”CCSClassification_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”CCSMainTypeID_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”CCSSubTypeID_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”CCSTypeID_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”CCSTypeName_Type”>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Copyright”>.<string>.<=”2020, Claus Neergaard”>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Link”>.<URL>.<=URL>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Date created”>.<2020>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Signature”>.<CRN>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”DBK-code”>.<-205.03>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”SfB-code”>.<(32)>,<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Assembly Code”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Cost”>.<>.<integer>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Description”>.<”Pladedør <udfyldes i projekt>.<”=BIM7AATypeDescription”>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Fire Rating”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Keynote”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Manufacturer”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Model”>.<>.<string>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Type Comments”>.<”Pladedør <udfyldes i projekt>”>.<=BIM7AATypeDescription>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”Type Image”>.<>.<none>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>
<”URL”>.<”http://www.clausclaus.com”>.<=”http://www.clausclaus.com”>.<no>.<project param/family param/shared param/global param>.<no>

Definition from ISO 6707-1:1989: Vertical construction usually in masonry or in concrete which bounds or subdivides a construction works and fulfills a load bearing or retaining function.
Definition from buildingSMART: The wall represents a vertical construction that bounds or subdivides spaces. Wall are usually vertical, or nearly vertical, planar elements, often designed to bear structural loads. A wall is however not required to be load bearing. The IFC specification provides two entities for wall occurrences:
- IfcWallStandardCase used for all occurrences of walls, that have a non-changing thickness along the wall path and where the thickness parameter can be fully described by a material layer set. These walls are always represented geometrically by a SweptSolid geometry, if a 3D geometric representation is assigned.
- IfcWall used for all other occurrences of wall, particularly for walls with changing thickness along the wall path (e.g. polygonal walls), or walls with a non-rectangular cross sections (e.g. L-shaped retaining walls), and walls having an extrusion axis that is unequal to the global Z axis of the project (i.e. non-vertical walls).
Containment Use Definition
The IfcWall (and the subtype IfcWallStandardCase) as any subtype of IfcBuildingElement, may participate in two different containment relationships. The first (and in most implementation scenarios mandatory) relationship is the hierarchical spatial containment, the second (optional) relationship is the aggregation within an element assembly.
- The IfcWall is places within the project spatial hierarchy using the objectified relationship IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure, referring to it by its inverse attribute SELFIfcElement.ContainedInStructure. Subtypes of IfcSpatialStructureElement are valid spatial containers, with IfcBuildingStorey being the default container.
- The IfcWall may be aggregated into an element assembly using the objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates, referring to it by its inverse attribute SELFIfcObjectDefinition.Decomposes. Any subtype of IfcElement can be an element assembly, with IfcElementAssembly as a special focus subtype.
In this case the wall should not be additionally contained in the project spatial hierarchy, i.e. SELFIfcElement.ContainedInStructure should be NIL.
The IfcWall may also be an aggregate i.e. being composed by other elements and acting as an assembly using the objectified relationship IfcRelAggregates, referring to it by its inverse attribute SELFIfcObjectDefinition.IsDecomposedBy. Components of a wall are described by instances of IfcBuildingElementPart that are aggregated to form a complex wall.
In this case, the contained IfcBuildingElementPart's should not be additionally contained in the project spatial hierarchy, i.e. the inverse attribute SELFIfcElement.ContainedInStructure of IfcBuildingElementPart should be NIL.
Geometry Use Definitions:
The geometric representation of IfcWall is given by the IfcProductDefinitionShape, allowing multiple geometric representations. Included are:
Local Placement
The local placement for IfcWall is defined in its supertype IfcProduct. It is defined by the IfcLocalPlacement, which defines the local coordinate system that is referenced by all geometric representations.
- The PlacementRelTo relationship of IfcLocalPlacement shall point (if given) to the local placement of the same IfcSpatialStructureElement that is used in the ContainedInStructure inverse attribute or to a referenced spatial structure element at a higher level.
- If the relative placement is not used, the absolute placement is defined within the world coordinate system.
Geometric Representations
Currently, the use of 'SweptSolid', 'Clipping', and 'Brep' representations is supported. In addition the general representation types 'SurfaceModel' and 'BoundingBox' are allowed. The geometry use definition for 'BoundingBox', 'SurfaceModel' and 'Brep' is explained at IfcBuildingElement. A more restricted geometry definition is given at the level of the subtype IfcWallStandardCase.
SweptSolid representation
The standard geometric representation (for body) of IfcWall is defined using the 'SweptSolid' representation. If the wall body can be described by a vertical extrusion of a polygonal footprint of the wall body (where vertical = into the direction of the global Z axis), the subtype IfcWallStandardCase should be used. If the extrusion is not equal to global Z, then the IfcWall with 'SweptSolid representation should be used. The IfcShapeRepresentation shall have the following values:
- RepresentationIdentifier : 'Body'
- RepresentationType : 'SweptSolid'
The following additional constraints apply to the swept solid representation:
- Solid: IfcExtrudedAreaSolid is required,
- Profile: IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef shall be supported.
- Extrusion: The extrusion axis shall be perpendicular to the swept profile, i.e. pointing into the direction of the z-axis of the Position of the IfcExtrudedAreaSolid.
Connection Geometry
The connection between two walls is represented by the IfcRelConnectsPathElements. The use of the parameter of that relationship object is defined at the level of the subtypes of IfcWall and at the IfcRelConnectsPathElements.
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Revit Families: Curtain Walls (system Family)
Revit Families: Floors (system Family)
Revit Families: Stairs (system Family)
Revit Families: Railings (system Family)
Revit Families: Doors (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Windows (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Curtain Wall Panels (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Furniture (loadable Family)
Revit Families: Detail Components (loadable Family)